WOD THURSDAY 04-04-2019
4 Aprile 2019
WOD SATURDAY 06-04-2019
6 Aprile 2019

FRIDAY 05-04-2019

Back Squat (Weight)
Every 2:00, for 10:00 (6 sets)
3 Pausing Back Squat

*For every rep: 3sec pause in bottom
*Start approximately at 60%-1RM and build to heavy set

Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
1 – KB Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (24/16)
2 – Push-up
3 – KB Goblet Alt. Rear Lunge (24/16)
4 – Burpee

*For each movement: 8sets x 20" work / 10" rest (60" rest btw movement)
*Score = Each movement is scored by the lowest number of reps in each of the 8 intervals.