WOD SATURDAY 12-01-2019
12 Gennaio 2019
WOD TUESDAY 15-01-2019
15 Gennaio 2019

2019-01-14 00:00:00.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => Europe/Rome

current: DateTime Object
[date] => 2019-01-14 01:29:53.625690
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => UTC

diff: DateInterval Object
[y] => 0
[m] => 0
[d] => 0
[h] => 2
[i] => 29
[s] => 53
[f] => 0.625671
[weekday] => 0
[weekday_behavior] => 0
[first_last_day_of] => 0
[invert] => 0
[days] => 0
[special_type] => 0
[special_amount] => 0
[have_weekday_relative] => 0
[have_special_relative] => 0

MONDAY 14-01-2019

Enderton Front Squat Complex (Weight)
Starting from the rack,
the Enderton Front Squat complex consists of 3 reps in total:
1st rep = 3 second pause at the bottom,
2nd rep = double bounce,
3rd rep = regular front squat.

These 3 reps = 1 rep of the complex

In 18 minutes, establish a 1-RM Enderton Front Squat Complex

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 10 of:
8 Push Presses (60/40)
10 Front Rack Alt. Lunges (60/40)
12 Barbell Lateral Burpees