WOD FRIDAY 17-05-2019
17 Maggio 2019WOD MONDAY 20-05-2019
20 Maggio 2019
Metcon (Time)
"Panic Breathing"
TEAM of 2
For Time:
600-500-400-300-200 meter Row (x2)
Partner KB’s Rack Hold (24’s/16’s kg)
Penalty if drop the kettlebells before the partner finish the Row:
5 Synchro Burpees
Every row is to be performed at maximum intensity while the other partner "rests" with two kettlebells in rack position.
The "resting" partner will rack the bells at the beginning of their partner’s row and will unrack them at the end of the row.
Unracking of kettlebells before the end of the row results in a 5 synchronized burpee penalty for every offense, to be paid at the end of the workout.