WOD GIOVEDÌ 25-06-2020
25 Giugno 2020
WOD SABATO 27-06-2020
27 Giugno 2020

VENERDÌ 26-06-2020

Back Squat (Weight)
"Back Squat"
From 0:00 to 10:00
Find heavy set of 5 Back Squat

Then with 70% weight from the heaviest set of 5:
At 12:00 – 30sec of max Back Squat
At 15:00 – 30 sec of max Back Squat

Metcon (Time)
"Aerobic Capacity"
Team by 2 – I go, you go
8 Rounds for time:
15/12 Cal Row
12/9 Cal Assault Bike

*4 Rounds a testa
*Time cap: 15 minutes
*Sostituto Bike
15/12 Cal Bike Erg (in piedi senza sella)
12/9 Cal SkiErg